
The Explore Programme is no longer accepting applications in 2022. Please stay tuned for more information on new grant calls for students!

The Marine Science R&D Program (MSRDP) in partnership with the St John’s Island National Marine Laboratory (SJINML) is pleased to announce a research programme for young marine scientists. The objectives of this student programme are:

  • Encourage exploratory research relevant to the 3+1 themes of MSRDP
  • Nurture multi-disciplinary problem-solving skills and interest in marine science
  • Encourage interest in marine science and maritime careers

Explore will provide funding support for undergraduate/diploma/JC level students (17-25 years old) to undertake exploratory marine science research at SJINML. Through the research experience, Explore aims to motivate students to develop technical skills and scientific literacy through active research interactions, moving from being passive learners to active scientists.

Research Programme

  • The student is given 9 months to complete their research work and submit a report.
  • On award, the supervisor should assist the student to complete their registration to work at SJINML. Registration will require the host institution to endorse the SJINML Facility Use Agreement. A copy of the agreement may be found in the SJINML User Handbook and can also be downloaded here.
  • The research undertaken may contribute towards the student’s academic studies. Any and all intellectual property arising from the student’s research shall be owned by the student and/or the home institution, in accordance with the home institution’s policy relating to intellectual property. The organisers, NUS and NIE-NTU, shall be granted a perpetual royalty-free licence to use the student’s research (or any part thereof) for internal use, research, development, academic and non-commercial purposes.
  • Publications of the research (via media releases, media interviews, speeches and/or videos etc.) must include an acknowledgement of the National Research Foundation for MSRDP and SJINML.
  • The grant covers the student bench fees at SJINML of SGD$960 (6 months) and research spending up to SGD$1,500 for research consumables and local travel for fieldwork. Funding does not cover student stipends, equipment purchase and international travel. No funds will be transferred to the student or host institution. SJINML project office will assist the students with their project purchases and finances.
  • At the end of the project period, the student is expected to hand in a report and present a research seminar describing the results of their work. This may be an individual presentation scheduled as part of a departmental monthly seminar open to all institutions. Or, they may present at student symposia to be organised by the programme in June 2019 and March 2021.
  • Good research reports arising from the program will be considered for publication in a special issue for marine science in Singapore Institute of Biology e-journal, the Asian Youth Journal of Biology.

For More Information


Dr Serena Teo
Facility Director
St John’s Island National Marine Lab, NUS
Email: tmsteolm@nus.edu.sg

Dr Tan Lik Tong
National Institute of Education, NTU
Email: liktong.tan@nie.edu.sg
