[Workshop] A Marine Science & Thermodynamics Workshop

Date: Wednesday, 5 June 2019
Time: 1830 – 2200
Venue: Roxy 1 Room, Grand Mercure Singapore Roxy, 50 East Coast Road Roxy Square, Singapore 428769

The aim of the workshop is to:

  • promote awareness of thermodynamic applications in marine science and maritime engineering research, and
  • bridge the gap between applied thermodynamics and marine science/engineering research

Thermodynamics software and databases will be presented with hands-on demonstrations.

This workshop is organised by the Singapore University of Technology & Design, in collaboration with the Marine Science R&D Programme of the National Research Foundation.

For more information, please contact Dr Wu Ping at SUTD at wuping@sutd.edu.sg.


18:30 Corrosion Properties of Al-Mg and Al-Mg-Si Coated Steel. – Professor J. I. Jeong, Materials Solution Research Group, Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology, Republic of Korea (http://www.rist.re.kr/eng/main.jsp).
19:00 Interaction between Metallic Materials and Extracellular polymeric Substances for Biofouling from the viewpoint of materials protection. – Professor Hideyuki Kanematsu, National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Suzuka College, Japan (http://www1.mint.or.jp/~reihidek/).
19:30 A General Simplified Growth Model for Multicomponent Precipitation and Its Implementation in TC-PRISMA – Dr Qing Chen, ThermoCalc Software AB, Sweden (https://www.thermocalc.com/academia/).
20:00 Pandat – Dr Chuan Zhang, CompuTherm, LLC, Madison, WI 53706, USA (http://www.computherm.com/).An integrated computational tool developed on the basis of the CALPHAD (CALculation of PHAse Diagram) approach for multi-component phase diagram calculation and materials property simulation.
20:30 PyCalphad and ESPEI – Dr Richard A. Otis, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/).PyCalphad is a Python library for computational thermodynamics using the CALPHAD method. Whilst ESPEI, or Extensible Self-optimizing Phase Equilibria Infrastructure, is a tool for automated thermodynamic database development within the CALPHAD method. It uses pycalphad for calculating Gibbs free energies of thermodynamic models.
21:00 FactSage – Dr Sergei Decterov, Polytechnique Montréal, Dép. de Génie Chimique, Centre for Research in Computational Thermochemistry, Montreal, Quebec, H3C 3A7, Canada (https://www.polymtl.ca/expertises/en/decterov-sergei). Dr Moritz to Baben, GTT-Technologies, Herzogenrath, 52134, Germany (https://gtt-technologies.de/company/staff/).FactSage© is one of the largest fully integrated database computing systems widely used in thermodynamics research. It consists of a series of information, database, calculation and manipulation modules that access various pure substances and solution databases. This includes access to databases of thermodynamic data. The database system allows you to calculate the conditions for multiphase, multicomponent equilibria, with a wide variety of tabular and graphical output modes, under a large range of constraints.
21:30  Software demonstrations