Marine Environment Sensing Network

The Marine Environment Sensing Network (MESN) is a multi-institution effort that will help scientists better assess ocean health and address key questions and issues facing our shared seas. The project brings together and leverages on the expertise of NUS’ Tropical Marine Science Institute (NUS, TMSI), the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), and the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), in areas such as marine engineering, marine ecology and biogeochemistry, and data technology.
MESN aims to increase the collective pool of knowledge and understanding of Singapore’s marine environment by establishing three buoys equipped with a variety of research-grade sensors, collecting data on over 30 environmental parameters in real-time. The buoys will also serve as a platform for the test bedding of novel marine technologies for R&D.
Data collected by the MESN buoys, along with other sampling efforts will be accessible via the MESN data platform “Ombak”, which also serves as a resource repository for the growing web of ocean observatories. MESN hopes to establish Singapore as a key player in ocean monitoring networks and facilitate collaborations both regionally and globally. To amplify conversations between academics and industry, increase potential for use-inspired research, technology translation, skills transfers, and commercial partnerships.
MESN is currently in its 5-year development stage (1 Oct 2020 to 30 Sep 2025) and is intended to become part of the St. John’s Island National Marine Laboratory (SJIMNL) as a National Research Foundation (NRF) National Research Infrastructure (NRI). To find out more about MESN, visit