SCELSE Summer Course 2023

SCELSE Summer Course 2023

Applications are invited from graduate students and early postdoctoral scholars for the 11th Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE) Summer Course from 3 – 21 July, 2023 at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

The Summer Course brings together world-renowned scientists and engineers including SCELSE scientific leaders. Participants will interact with these experienced mentors to learn about and harness the biology of microbial communities and biofilms in environmental, health and industrial applications. Learning outcomes include understanding biofilm and microbiome-related mechanisms and processes using quantitative approaches. This knowledge will be used to help design experiments that can yield information useful in developing new technologies or solving problems in natural and engineered environments. The course brings together fields as varied as (bio-)engineering, public health and microbial ecology through the commonalities of biofilms. Notably, the course format provides ample opportunities for the participants to interact closely with the mentors in small groups and informal settings. 

The course is held in the midst of NTU's rich, green campus. Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers are invited to participate in this international Summer Course. It would be great if you could help us reach potential applicants by disseminating the attached flyer to your contacts. For more information, including full details about the application procedure, please visit the SCELSE website.

Applications close on 22nd March 2023