submersible stirrer table

Submersible Stirrer Table 2
Submersible Stirrer Table

The Submersible stirrer table utilizes magnetic stirrers to provide circulation within 8 transparent water-tight acrylic chambers for respirometry experiments. The table is fully submersible and can be deployed in the field for short term field experiments. The motor for the table runs on a 6V 3.3aH battery, with an average runtime of 1.5 – 2 hours depending on battery age. The acrylic chambers for the stirrer table are equipped with holders for the fibre optic cables of the PreSens OXY-4 Oxygen Meter, and can be retrofitted with OxySpots to accurately measure dissolved oxygen levels in real time. The chambers also come with holders designed to fasten the Acropora coral but can be used to fasten other objects of similar size.

What kind of research is applicable / suitable for this equipment?

  • Respirometry experiments
  • Measuring of dissolved oxygen levels within chambers (when used with OXY-4 Oxygen Meter and Oxyspots)
  • Stirring of liquids within chambers using magnetic stirrers

Any chargeable costs for equipment usage?

Yes, please approach Aquaria Manager or search the handbook (Section A6 – Schedule of rates for specialist facilities) for more details.

Technical specifications

Acrylic chamber internal dimension 88 mm (diameter) X 100 mm (height)
Rotation direction Clockwise
Operating duration Less than 2 hours
Battery 6V 3.3aH