LI-COR Light Sensor



The LI-1500 Light Sensor Logger provides a direct digital readout and data logging from up to 3 Li-Cor sensors at the same time. Options available to either log manually or set up logging routines. Comes with menu-driven interface, GPS system and built-in math function.


The LI-192 Underwater Quantum Sensor measures PAR incident on a plane. The LI-192 works in air or underwater. The measurements are cosine-corrected.

The LI-193 Spherical Quantum Sensor measures PAR in air or underwater from all directions. This sensor is useful for studies of phytoplankton, which uses radiation from all directions.

Any chargeable costs for equipment usage?

Yes, please approach Field Support Officer or search the handbook (Section A6 – Schedule of rates for specialist facilities) for more details.

Equipment Quantity
LI-1500 Handheld meter 1
Spherical Underwater Quantum Sensor 1
Underwater Quantum Sensor 3
Underwater cable (30 meters) 1
Underwater cable (10 meters) 1
Carrying case 1