Automated Titrator


OMNIS automated titrator is a fully automated robot pick & place module and rack plates, for a higher throughput. This system measures electrical conductivity, pH value, alkalinity, calcium and magnesium hardness and total hardness. Titrator is commonly used in quantitative chemical analysis, to determine an unknown concentration of a known substance in the sample. 

What kind of research is applicable / suitable for this equipment? 

  • Water industry - to test water on various parameters, such as chemical content and pH, to allow a more efficient water treatment 
  • Food industry – to determine the quantity of a reactant in the sample 
  • Biodiesel fuel in the automotive industry – analysis and optimization of fuel pH for the most efficient biodiesel fuel production  
  • Pharmaceutical industry – to determine the proper mix when compounding medicines  

Any chargeable costs for equipment usage? 

Yes, please approach Lab Manager or search the handbook (Section A6 – Schedule of rates for specialist facilities) for more details.  

Technical specifications 

  1. Sample Robot Pick&Place in size S 
  1. Peristaltic pump (4-channel) 
  1. 856 Conductivity  
  1. Dosing module without stirrer 
  1. Titration module without stirrer 
  1. Digital measuring 
Sample volume  32 samples with 120 mL beaker 
Liquid handling  Contact-free chemical handling with the use of liquid adapter 
Automated rod and propeller stirring  Yes 
Mode  MEAS conductivity 
Measuring time  60 s 
Measuring interval  2 s 
Volume increment  50 µL 
pH measurement   
Mode  MEAS pH 
Min. waiting time  10 s 
Max. waiting time  110 s 
Mode  DET pH 
Max. waiting time  26 s 
Min. increment  10 µL 
Stop volume  7 mL 
EP criterion  5 
EP recognition  Greatest 
Mode  DET U 
Max. waiting time  26 s 
Min. increment  10 µL 
Stop volume  4 mL 
EP criterion  5 
EP recognition  All