

Histology is the study of biological tissues under a microscope. Producing the histological slides requires  a series of processing through the use of three instruments – Thermo Scientific Shandon Citadel 2000 Tissue Processor, Leica RM2135 Rotary Microtome and the Shandon Histo-Center II. The Tissue Processor is an automated machine that assists in the fixing and dehydration of specimen. The Histo-Center II does the paraffin wax embedding of specimen and the Rotary Microtome does the slicing to produce the slides.  

What kind of  research is applicable / suitable for this equipment? 

  • Observe the structure and cells of their soft-bodied specimens in detail, under the microscope. 

Any chargeable costs for equipment usage? 

Yes, please approach Lab Manager or search the handbook (Section A6 – Schedule of rates for specialist facilities) for more details.  Costs of chemicals are included in equipment usage charges.  

Technical specifications 

Chemicals required  Histo-clear, Absolute Ethanol, Paraffin wax, Haematoxylin, Eosin Y solution, Canada Balsam, DPX Mountant 
Microscope slides dimensions  25mm by 75mm 
Histological sections thickness  5-60 μm