microplate reader


The BioTek Synergy H1 Microplate Reader allows researchers to test multiple samples at once, with the reactions typically conducted in 96 well plates. Similar to spectrophotometers, they work on the principle of absorbance.

  • 6 up to 96 well plates
  • Abs wavelength 230-999nm
  • Incubation of up to 45 degrees celcius

What kind of research is applicable / suitable for this equipment?

  • Those who need to read the results of their elisa test. Can also read other reactions that were conducted on 96 well plates.

Any chargeable costs for equipment usage?


Technical specifications

Detection modes UV-Vis absorbance

Fluorescence intensity


Read methods Endpoint


Spectral scanning

Well area scanning

Microplate types 6- to 384-well plates
Temperature control 4-Zone™ incubation to 45 °C with Condensation Control™ +0.2 °C at 37 °C
Shaking Linear, orbital, double orbital
Software Gen5 Data Analysis Software
Abs Wavelength selection Monochromator
Abs Wavelength range 230 – 999nm

1nm increments

Abs Monochromator bandwidth 4nm (230 – 285nm), 8nm (> 285nm)
Abs Dynamic range / Resolution 0 – 4.0 OD / 0.0001 OD
Abs Monochromator wavelength accuracy / repeatability ±2 nm / ±0.2 nm


Abs OD accuracy / linearity / repeatability <1% at 2.0 OD; <3% at 3.0 OD / <1% from 0 to 3.0 OD / <0.5% at 2.0 OD
Abs Reading speed 96 wells: 11 seconds
Fluor. Fluorescence detector PMT
Fluor. Wavelength range 250 – 700 nm
Fluor. bandwidth Fixed, 16nm
Fluor. Dynamic range 7 decades
Fluor. Sensitivity Fluorescein 2.5 pM (0.25 fmol/well, 384-well plate) – top; Fluorescein 4 pM (0.4 fmol/well, 384-well plate) - bottom
Luminescence Wavelength 300 – 700 nm
Lumi. Dynamic range > 6 decades
Lumi. Sensitivity Monos: 20 amol ATP (flash)