pcr systems


Available models:

  1. QuantStudio 5 0.2ml block (qPCR)
  2. Blue-Ray BioTech TurboCycler TCST-9622
  3. ProFlex PCR System
  4. Biorad T1000 ThermoCycler

The PCR and qPCR systems allow researchers to amplify targeted DNA sequences in their target organism genome. With the addition of primers and Taq polymerase, the machines use the process of denaturation, annealing and extension to amplify the target genome sequence.

The qPCR machine, QuantStudio 5, also contains a fluorometer, which measures the fluorescent dyes that are added to samples. Using these readings, researchers can quantify the amount of target DNA as well as observe the amplification process.

What kind of research is applicable / suitable for this equipment?

  • Researchers who monitor the real time amplification of their target DNA (qPCR)
  • Useful for researchers that are performing molecular work, can be used for purposes such as amplifying and identifying specific gene/ segment of DNA which allow for:
    1. confirming identify of specific species of organisms
    2. identification and detection of pathogens.

Any chargeable costs for equipment usage?


Technical specifications

Systems PCR qPCR
Adapters available 3 x 32 well (0.2ml PCR tubes)

1x 96 well (0.2ml PCR tubes)

96-well plate
Sample ramp rate ± 4.4 °C/sec 6.5°C/sec
Temperature accuracy ±0.25°C (35°C to 99.9°C) ±0.25°C (35°C to 99.9°C)
Temperature Range 0 to 100.0 °C 0 to 100.0 °C
Temperature uniformity <0.5 °C (20 sec after reaching 95 °C) 0.4°C
Reaction volume 10-80 µl
Sensitivity (resolution) 1.5-fold difference


Sensitivity (# of copies) 1 copy
Filters / colours 6 filters decoupled for up to 21 filter combinations
Excitation range 96 wells: 450 – 680nm
Detection range 96 wells: 500 – 730nm
Data acquisition Whole-plate imaging
Run time Less than 30 minutes
Multiplexing Up to 6 targets
Reagents SYBRTM Green dye

TaqMan probes etc.

Key applications Gene expression profiling

Copy number analysis

Multiplexing, etc.