Benchtop pH Meter


A pH Meter is used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of an unknown solution. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 14.  

What kind of research is applicable / suitable for this equipment? 

  • For researchers who are interested to find out how acidic or alkaline their unknown solution is.  

Any chargeable costs for equipment usage? 


Technical specifications 

Parameters  pH 



Measuring Range  0.00 to 14.00 pH 

±1999 mV 

0°C to 100 °C 

Resolution  0.01 pH 

1 mV 

0.1 °C 

Accuracy  ±0.01 pH 

±1 mV 

±0.5 °C 

pH calibration points  3-5 
Temperature calibration option  ±5.0 °C range in 0.1 °C increments 
Memory  99 data points 
Averaging/stability  Automatic 
Display  Offset 

Slope display: Independent acid and alkaline slopes depending on calibration 

Diagnostic messages 

Electrode status  On screen display 
Electrodes  ST320, glass body pH electrode, with integrated temperature sensor 

STMICRO5 pH electrode - Can take measurements from small samples, compatible with small containers such as micro tubes, etc.