PHCbi MLR-352 Climate Chamber


Programmable climate chamber with temperature (0°C to 50°C) and lighting control (0 to 20,000 lux). Illumination is  provided from three sides and racks are adjustable with maximum loading up to 20 kg per shelf. Aeration can also be supplied via airlines drawn from the top of the chamber. 

What kind of research is applicable / suitable for this equipment? 

  • Marine plant micropropagation  
  • Marine Larvae culture and bioassays 
  • Thermal tolerance experiments 

Any chargeable costs for equipment usage? 


Technical specifications  

Programmable temperature  0°C to 50°C 

12 step programmes 

Programmable lighting  0 to 20,000 lux 
Automatic data logging of operational data  Approx. 2 weeks at 6 min intervals