Physical Induction

The physical induction for new researchers provides essential information on general, laboratory, and aquaria safety. The importance of proper safety protocols and emergency procedures will be highlighted to ensure that researchers are familiar especially with the lab and aquaria environments, fostering a safe and efficient research setting. This training will be held twice a month.
What will this training cover?
- General induction
- Laboratory induction
- Aquaria induction
Session trainers:
- Lab Managers and Aquarium Managers
Who should go for this training?
- All newly registered and current researchers in SJINML
- Please inform your PI before registering for the training sessions
Session dates for April and May:
Dates | Time |
1 April 2025, Tuesday | 9:30am - 11:30am |
15 April 2025, Tuesday | 9:30am - 11:30am |
6 May 2025, Tuesday | 9:30am - 11:30am |
20 May 2025, Tuesday | 9:30am - 11:30am |
Essential trainings for working in Larval Culture and Mariculture Room

This training equips researchers with necessary knowledge for working in Larval Culture and Mariculture Room.
What will be covered in this training?
• Use of hemocytometer for cell counting
• Correct pipetting skills
• Use of refractometer for measuring seawater salinity
• Use of basic stereomicroscope (Olympus SZ16)
• Use of environmental chamber
• Use of wall mounted filtration system to collect seawater
• Rules and regulations pertaining to shared use of common resources in Larval Culture Room
Session trainers:
- Ms Serina Lee and Mr Lim Tzer Shyun
Who should go for this training?
- New and current SJINML researchers interested in working in Larval Culture and Mariculture room.
- Please inform your PI before registering for the training sessions
Session dates for April and May:
Dates | Time |
1 Apr 2025, Tuesday | 1.00pm-3.30pm |
15 Apr 2025, Tuesday | 1.00pm-3.30pm |
6 May 2025, Tuesday | 1.00pm-3.30pm |
20 May 2025, Tuesday | 1.00pm-3.30pm |
Imaging System (Stereomicroscope and Compound Microscope)

This training involves the use and operation of microscopes in St. John's Island National Marine Laboratory. It provides comprehensive instruction on handling various types of microscopes, including proper usage, maintenance, and troubleshooting techniques. The training ensures that users can effectively utilize microscopy for research and analysis, adhering to safety standards and maximizing the capabilities of the equipment.
What models will this training cover?
• Olympus stereomicroscope SZX16
• Leica stereomicroscope M205C
• Olympus compound microscope BX53
• Leica compound microscope DM2500
• Olympus invert microscope CKX53
Session trainers:
- Ms Helen Wong and Ms Lim Lay Peng
Who should go for this training?
- Researchers interested in operating the above microscopes in SJINML
- Please inform your PI before registering for the training sessions
Session dates for April and May:
Dates | Time |
2 April 2025, Wednesday | 9.30am-12.30pm |
16 April 2025, Wednesday | 9.30am-12.30pm |
7 May 2025, Wednesday | 9.30am-12.30pm |
28 May 2025, Wednesday | 9.30am-12.30pm |
Introduction and Operation of Basic Lab Equipment

The basic lab equipment training at SJINML equips participants with the foundational skills required to operate essential laboratory instruments. This comprehensive program covers the proper usage of a weighing balance for precise measurements, handling of the Milli-Q water system for obtaining ultra-pure water, and the safe operation of a fume hood for conducting experiments involving volatile substances. Additionally, trainees learn to use an ice maker, oven, fridge and freezer to manage temperature-sensitive samples effectively. This training will ensure researchers are proficient in utilizing these tools to support their scientific investigations.
What equipment will this training cover?
• Weighing balance
• MilliQ Water System
• Fridge and freezer (4 and -20 deg)
• Fumehood
• Ice maker
• Oven
Session trainers:
- Ms Helen Wong and Ms Hashani Dharan
Who should go for this training?
- New and current SJINML researchers interested in operating the above equipment
- Please inform your PI before registering for the training sessions
Session dates for April and May:
Dates | Time |
3 April 2025, Thursday | 1.30pm-2.30pm |
17 April 2025, Thursday | 1.30pm-2.30pm |
8 May 2025, Thursday | 1.30pm-2.30pm |
28 May 2025, Thursday | 1.30pm-2.30pm |
Introduction and Operation of Centrifuge

What equipment will this training cover?
- Standing Centrifuge
- Benchtop Centrifuge
- Benchtop Micro-centrifuge
Session trainers:
- Ms Hashani Dharan and Mr Lim Tzer Shyun
Who should go for this training?
- New and current SJINML researchers
- Please inform your PI before registering for the training sessions
Session dates for April and May:
Dates | Time |
7 April 2025, Monday | 1.00pm-2.30pm |
21 April 2025, Monday | 1.00pm-2.30pm |
5 May 2025, Monday | 1.00pm-2.30pm |
19 May 2025, Monday | 1.00pm-2.30pm |
Introduction to steam sterillization (BSL1 work only)

What equipment will this training cover?
• Use of autoclave
• Use of drying oven for autoclaved items
Session trainers:
- Ms Serina Lee and Mr Lim Tzer Shyun
Who should go for this training?
- New and current SJINML researchers interested in using the autoclave to sterilize and the use of oven to dry your items.
- Please inform your PI before registering for the training sessions
Session dates for April and May:
Dates | Time |
1 April 2025, Tuesday | 11.30am - 12.00pm |
6 May 2025, Tuesday | 11.30am - 12.00pm |
Introduction to Filtration Techniques

What equipment will this training cover?
• Operation of laminar flow hood
• Use of vacuum pump
• Use of filter capsule, disposable filter tops, autoclavable filter setup
Session trainers:
- Ms Serina Lee and Ms Hashani Dharan
Who should go for this training?
- New and current SJINML researchers who needs to use the filtration instrument.
- Please inform your PI before registering for the training sessions
Session dates for April and May:
Dates | Time |
1 Apr 2025, Tuesday | 3.30pm-4.30pm |
Imaging System (Fluorescence Microscope)

The hands-on course focus on the operation of fluorescence microscopes. It offers practical training, guiding participants through the sample preparation, setup, and imaging techniques specific to fluorescence microscopy. Participants gain firsthand experience in handling the microscope and analyzing fluorescent samples, enhancing their proficiency in using this advanced research tool.
What models will this training cover?
• Olympus fluorescence microscope IX73
• Olympus fluorescence microscope BX53
Session trainers:
- Ms Helen Wong and Ms Lim Lay Peng
Who should go for this training?
- Researchers interested in operating fluorescent microscopes in SJINML
- Please inform your PI before registering for the training sessions
Session dates for April and May:
Dates | Time |
16 April 2025, Wednesday | 1.30pm-3.30pm |
Introduction and Operation of Temperature Control Instrument and Sonicator

What equipment will this training cover?
• Chiller
• Waterbath
• Sonicator
Session trainers:
- Ms Serina Lee and Ms Hashani Dharan
Who should go for this training?
- New and current SJINML researchers interested in operating these equipment
- Please inform your PI before registering for the training sessions
Session dates for April and May:
Dates | Time |
2 April 2025, Wednesday | 3.30pm-4.30pm |
Introduction and Operation of Instruments for Molecular Work

Molecular lab work training encompasses a range of skills and techniques essential for conducting molecular biology experiments.
What equipment will this training cover?
• Thermal Cyclers for PCR
• Autoclave
• Bead Beater
• Waterbath and heating plate
• Nanodrop and Qubit
• PCR hood
• Gel electrophoresis
• Gel imaging system
• Microwave oven
Session trainers:
- Mr Lim Tzer Shyun and Ms Lim Lay Peng
Who should go for this training?
- New and current SJINML researchers interested in using instruments for molecular work
- Please inform your PI before registering for the training sessions
Session dates for April and May:
Dates | Time |
3 April 2025, Thursday | 9:30am - 12:00pm |
Introduction to Spectrophotometer

Spectrophotometers are suitable for a range of research applications, particularly in extrapolating and calculating the concentration of unknown colored samples. It can be effectively used for quantifying nucleic acids, analyzing nutrient samples, counting chlorophyll, and measuring microalgae cultures.
What equipment will this training cover?
• Use of Shimadzu Spectrophotometer Model UV-2600
Session trainers:
- Mr Lim Tzer Shyun and Ms Lim Lay Peng
Who should go for this training?
- New and current SJINML researchers who needs to use the spectrophotometer to analyze their sample.
- Please inform your PI before registering for the training sessions
Session dates for April and May:
Dates | Time |
3 Apr 2025, Thursday | 2.30pm-4.00pm |
Introduction and Operation of Cryogenic Equipment

What equipment will this training cover?
- Freeze Dryer
- -80°C Deep Freezer
Session trainers:
- Ms Lim Lay Peng and Mr Lim Tzer Shyun
Who should go for this training?
- New and current SJINML researchers interested in operating cryogenic equipment
- Please inform your PI before registering for the training sessions
Session dates for April and May:
Dates | Time |
14 April 2025, Monday | 9:30am - 10:30am |
Introduction and Operation of Thermal Equipment

What equipment will this training cover?
- Furnace
- Vacuum Oven
Session trainers:
- Ms Lim Lay Peng and Mr Lim Tzer Shyun
Who should go for this training?
- New and current SJINML researchers interested in operating thermal equipment
- Please inform your PI before registering for the training sessions
Session dates for April and May:
Dates | Time |
14 April 2025, Monday | 10.30am-12.00pm |
Introduction and Operation of pH meter

pH meter training teaches participants how to accurately measure the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, an essential skill in various scientific applications. Participants learn how to calibrate the pH meter using standard buffer solutions, ensure proper electrode maintenance for consistent results, and interpret pH readings accurately. Additionally, the training covers troubleshooting common issues, understanding the impact of temperature on pH readings, and adhering to best practices for ensuring precise and reliable measurements in laboratory settings.
What equipment will this training cover?
- pH meter
Session trainers:
- Ms Hashani Dharan and Ms Serina Lee
Who should go for this training?
- New and current SJINML researchers interested in using a pH meter
- Please inform your PI before registering for the training sessions
Session dates for April and May:
Dates | Time |
7 April 2025, Monday | 2.30pm-3.30pm |
Introduction and Operation of Evaporative Lab Equipment

What equipment will this training cover?
- Speedvac
- Buchi rotary evaporator
Session trainers:
- Ms Hashani Dharan and Ms Helen Wong
Who should go for this training?
- New and current SJINML researchers interested in using evaporative equipment
- Please inform your PI before registering for the training sessions
Session dates for April and May:
Dates | Time |
19 May 2025, Monday | 3:30pm - 4:30pm |